Want to know about the interfaces on the Switch? What is a Fiber connector & an Ethernet port? What is the difference between these two? Let’s find out more here!
With the rapid development of wireless technology, in terms of wireless communication, there are several options according to the distances, such as bluetooth, Zigbee, WiFi, 3G/4G/5G, microwave and satellite (starlink). What are the differences between these types of wireless communication technology?
While speaking of data transaction, perhaps DTU is one of the most frequently mentioned term that you may notice. So, what is DTU? what does DTU stand for? what functions does it have?
“Cloud + Edge” coordinated ecosystem - it was born with the increasing development of industrial IoT (IIoT). What kinds of functions does it have? What’s the whole operation mechanism of this ecosystem? How to improve work efficiency by adopting “Cloud + Edge” ecosystem?
غالبًا ما يُشار إلى IPv6 باسم "الجيل القادم من الإنترنت" نظرًا لقدراته المحسنة ونموه في السنوات الأخيرة. IPv6 أو Internet Protocol Version 6 هو ترقية لـ IPv4.