5G verbessert die digitale Konnektivität für den Einzelhandel

InHand’s 5G business Internet solution provides an “always online” network for retail stores, enhancing digital connectivity and offering customers an excellent shopping experience.

 / 5G verbessert die digitale Konnektivität für den Einzelhandel


A supermarket chain with thousands of stores uses dedicated networks connects for POS, cameras, VoIP and other devices. When the existing network stops supporting wireless access, the store’s wired link fails, resulting in the digital cashier and monitoring service to be immediately interrupted which could cause significant losses.

InHand’s 5G business Internet solution provides a cost-effective wired and 5G backup solution without altering the exiting network architecture. This improves the efficiency of network upgrades for chain stores.


Kostengünstige Lösung für eine unterbrechungsfreie Verbindung

As a business grows to over a thousand stores, the existing store network cannot meet business needs. Major network changes are not feasible since they might disrupt operations. So a cost-effective, easy, and quickly installed transformation becomes an urgent demand.

Zentralisierte Netzwerkverwaltung

Many stores are widely distributed with many digital terminals lacking centralized management. The new network solution should enable centralized management of these infrastructures.

High-efficiency Tools for IT Maintenance

Store IT maintenance faces two issues: lack of IT professionals which slows down troubleshooting and increases travel costs making fault identification challenging. The customer needs an efficient solution for remote and effective operation and maintenance.


  • The ER805 router supports both wired and 5G network access. It can switch to a 5G backup link in seconds if the wired connection fails, preventing business losses.
  • Der ER805 verfügt außerdem über Gigabit-Ethernet und Wi-Fi und erfüllt damit die Anforderungen an die Konnektivität von Geräten wie POS, Kameras und VoIP.
  • InCloud-Manager enables remote access to routers and terminals. Additionally, the cloud platform provides multi-dimensional data dashboards and network diagnostic tools for quick fault resolution, reducing downtime’s impact on business.


5G-Backup sorgt für Verbindungsstabilität

The ER805 router supports Gigabit Ethernet, 5G cellular network, and Gigabit Wi-Fi. It allows flexible priority adjustments between these connection. This enables link backup and fault transfer, providing chain supermarkets with a “never offline” network service.


InHand’s solution provides automatic network configuration and plug-and-play-devices. IT personnel can quickly deploy and maintain the network without a strong technical background. The solution integrates easily into the current network and swiftly establishes connections without changing the original network architecture.

Effiziente Fernwartung

InCloud-Manager‘s real-time alerts and diagnostic tools help IT quickly identify and resolve network failures. The Connector function enables remote maintenance of on-site terminals like VoIP, surveillance, and POS devices anytime and anywhere.


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