While speaking of data transaction, perhaps DTU is one of the most frequently mentioned term that you may notice. So, what is DTU? what does DTU stand for? what functions does it have?
“Cloud + Edge” coordinated ecosystem - it was born with the increasing development of industrial IoT (IIoT). What kinds of functions does it have? What’s the whole operation mechanism of this ecosystem? How to improve work efficiency by adopting “Cloud + Edge” ecosystem?
Der Failover-Mechanismus wird eingesetzt, um die Zuverlässigkeit und Verfügbarkeit von Netzwerkgeräten zu erhöhen, indem verschiedene Methoden zur Bereitstellung redundanter Implementierungen konfiguriert werden.
IPv6 is often referred to as the “next generation Internet” because of its enhanced capabilities and its growth in recent years. IPv6 or Internet Protocol Version 6 is an upgrade of IPv4.
The essence of Modbus RTU and Modbus TCP/IP is the Modbus protocol, and they all exchange data by Modbus register address. But what’s the difference between them?