Construyendo Redes Eficientes para Sucursales Empresariales

The ODU2002 provides 5G network access anytime, anywhere, eliminating the need to wait for broadband. It offers agile network services for small and medium-sized branches, ensuring your business is no longer limited.

 / Redes eficientes para sucursales empresariales


As enterprises grow and add more branches, the demand for network access increases. It becomes crucial for businesses to provide convenient, stable, and reliable networks for branch offices to ensure the sustainability of core operations.

Expanding enterprise branch offices requires convenient and easy-to-use network equipment. Additionally, businesses are highly sensitive to the bandwidth and network quality of their office networks. A high-quality network experience for employees can effectively enhance productivity.

Requisitos del cliente

Red de alta velocidad

Redes de alto ancho de banda para satisfacer las necesidades operativas

Red eficiente

Implementación eficiente de la red para mejorar la experiencia del empleado.

Estable y Confiable

Estable y confiable con una rápida recuperación de fallas


As the device for 5G access across enterprise branches, the 5G ODU provides high-speed 5G cellular connectivity for computers, mobile phones, tablets, and office facilities like video cameras, printers, and servers.

With its outstanding performance, the 5G ODU delivers up to 2Gbps data throughput and features 2*2.5Gbps Gigabit Ethernet ports, helping enterprises build stronger and more agile networks, improving network experiences and fueling business growth.

Firewall functionality and policies ensure a highly secure network environment and data transmission tunnel, safeguarding businesses against vulnerabilities and threats.

The InCloud Manager platform provides network status display, network terminal access, network fault alerts, and network diagnostic tools. This enables IT personnel to quickly identify and locate network issues and restore network connectivity in the shortest possible time, greatly improving operational efficiency.


Simple 5G Access

The 5G ODU provides high-performance, low-latency 5G connectivity, unlocking the full potential of 5G.

Red excepcional y potente

The 5G ODU builds stronger, agile networks, enhancing user experiences and supporting business growth.

Protección de seguridad multidimensional

The 5G ODU ensures a secure network environment, protecting against vulnerabilities and threats with multi-dimensional security measures.

Robust Outdoor Design

Designed for harsh outdoor environments, the 5G ODU combines rigorous design principles with high-quality components.

Efficient Cloud Management" se traduce al español como "Gestión eficiente de la nube

Integrated with InCloud Manager, the 5G ODU allows unified cloud management and real-time network monitoring across distributed sites.

Exquisite Outdoor Design

El ODU 5G sigue principios de diseño rigurosos y una selección meticulosa de componentes, ofreciendo productos de alta calidad adecuados para escenarios de redes exteriores no tripuladas en entornos adversos.


Más aplicaciones

ODU 5G ofrece un acceso conveniente a la red para las tiendas de conveniencia en cadena, permitiendo el manejo eficiente de datos transaccionales críticos y respaldando una expansión comercial rápida.

La solución de red gestionada en la nube InHand ayuda a restablecer a tiempo la comunicación de red y a reducir el impacto de los fallos de red en su empresa.

Para las pequeñas sucursales de empresas, el ODU 5G puede proporcionar un acceso conveniente a la red 5G y conmutación por error de enlace celular, mejorando la flexibilidad y confiabilidad de la red. Con el InCloud Manager, se mejora la gestión eficiente de las redes empresariales.