The ER805-NRQ3 5G edge router and the VG710-NRQ3 5G vehicle gateway are now ready for use on FirstNet®!
Continuar leyendoInHand Industrial Routers & Gateways for FirstNet® Connectivity The ER805-NRQ3-WLAN has been certified for use on AT&T, T-mobile and Verizon networks!
Continuar leyendoER805-NRQ3-WLAN is Certified by 3 Major U.S. Wireless Carriers The VT320 is now AT&T certified!
Continuar leyendoVT320 AT&T Certified We are thrilled to announce that the ER805 is now certified for Verizon C-band!
Continuar leyendoER805-NRQ3-WLAN is Certified for Verizon C-Band Use The VG710-NRQ3-WLAN 5G vehicle gateway is now T-Mobile ceritified!
Continuar leyendoVG710-NRQ3-WLAN Now T-Mobile Certified We are thrilled to announce that our ER805-FQ39-WLAN(CAT6) has been certified and approved by AT&T Wireless!
Continuar leyendoER805 CAT6 Router AT&T Certified The VT320 is now T-Mobile certified!
Continuar leyendoVT320 T-Mobile Certified We are looking forward to meeting you at MWC23 this September in Las Vegas!
Continuar leyendoMobile World Congress 2023