The InGateway502 was awarded “Honorable Mention” of the Control Engineering 2022 Engineers' Choice Awards in the Network Integration - I/O Systems category!
続きを読むIG502は第35回年次Control Engineeringエンジニアズ・チョイス・アワードを受賞
低炭素経済を推進する企業として、 InHand Networksは自社工場に太陽光発電システムを導入し、カーボンニュートラルへの第一歩を踏み出しました。
続きを読むInHand Networks、自社の太陽光発電システムを発表
We are pleased to announce that our office is moving to a new location at 43671 Trade Center Place, Suite100, Dulles, VA 20166.
続きを読むInHand 米国オフィス移転のお知らせ
The past six months have witnessed our robust growth, with 46.42% YoY growth on revenue and 48.54% increase of profits.
続きを読むInHand Networks、2021年上半期に40%超えた成長率
InHand Networksは、過去を振り返り、未来に向けて最高の願いを込めて20周年を祝います。
続きを読むInHand Networks、20周年を迎え新たな旅路をスタート
Speaking of marathon, the first thing that comes to most of you might be the 42km races held worldwide. What about a one-week adventure in deserts?
続きを読むHow Does It Feel to Accomplish 250km Ultramarathon in 7 Days – in Sahara Desert?
We are thrilled to announce that the IR302 and the IR305 industrial LTE routers are now E-Mark certified!