The InGateway502 was awarded “Honorable Mention” of the Control Engineering 2022 Engineers' Choice Awards in the Network Integration - I/O Systems category!
続きを読むIG502は第35回年次Control Engineeringエンジニアズ・チョイス・アワードを受賞
We are exhibiting at ATMIA 2022! Feel free to drop by Booth #629 and talk to us!
低炭素経済を推進する企業として、 InHand Networksは自社工場に太陽光発電システムを導入し、カーボンニュートラルへの第一歩を踏み出しました。
続きを読むInHand Networks、自社の太陽光発電システムを発表
We are pleased to announce that our office is moving to a new location at 43671 Trade Center Place, Suite100, Dulles, VA 20166.
続きを読むInHand 米国オフィス移転のお知らせ
Looking foward to meeting you at MWC21 in Los Angeles!
The past six months have witnessed our robust growth, with 46.42% YoY growth on revenue and 48.54% increase of profits.
続きを読むInHand Networks、2021年上半期に40%超えた成長率
InHand Networksは、過去を振り返り、未来に向けて最高の願いを込めて20周年を祝います。
続きを読むInHand Networks、20周年を迎え新たな旅路をスタート
Speaking of marathon, the first thing that comes to most of you might be the 42km races held worldwide. What about a one-week adventure in deserts?
続きを読むHow Does It Feel to Accomplish 250km Ultramarathon in 7 Days – in Sahara Desert?