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IG502 UL & UL-C1D2 Certified
The IG502 has been certified by UL and UL – C1D2 and ready to work in potentially hazardous locations!

IG502およびIG902 IoTエッジゲートウェイがUKCAマークを取得済み
The InGateway series edge gateways are now UKCA marked and ready for the UK market!

We are proud to announce that the VG710 multi-network vehicle gateway has received the ITxPT label after passing the ITxPT compliance tests, and is now listed in the ITxPT catalog.

InHand Networks 2021年年次報告書の発表
InHand Networks posted a YoY revenue growth of 44.63% and net profit growth of 159.65%.

The ER805 is now assessed by Orange and listed in Orange’s IoT Journey Catalog!

IG502は第35回年次Control Engineeringエンジニアズ・チョイス・アワードを受賞
The InGateway502 was awarded “Honorable Mention” of the Control Engineering 2022 Engineers’ Choice Awards in the Network Integration – I/O Systems category!

InHand Networks、自社の太陽光発電システムを発表
低炭素経済を推進する企業として、 InHand Networksは自社工場に太陽光発電システムを導入し、カーボンニュートラルへの第一歩を踏み出しました。

InHand 米国オフィス移転のお知らせ
We are pleased to announce that our office is moving to a new location at 43671 Trade Center Place, Suite100, Dulles, VA 20166.